Vehicles available for first campaigns starting in September, 2023 – just in time for Italian Grand Prix and Milano Fashion Week!
This week, Vugo and Zity agreed to begin offering advertising wraps on Zity vehicles throughout Milan. The Zity fleet in Milan consists of 450 Dacia Spring vehicles, which are fully electric with zero emissions. The vehicles are available for short term rentals to members and park for free anywhere in the designated primary zone. For advertisers, this means your messaging will be highly visible either parked in high traffic areas or driving through the center of the city. The program is expected to include additional cities Paris, Lyon, Madrid, and others in the future.
The first ad campaigns on the platform will have the exciting opportunity to participate in major events happening in September including the Milano Fashion Week and Italian Grand Prix (Formula 1). Italian Grand Prix is on September 3, 2023, and the Milano Fashion Week is September 19 – 25, 2023.
Wrap Zone
On the Zity vehicles, doors on both sides of the vehicle are in the zone allowable for wrap advertisements.

Zity Service Area
All Zity vehicle trips must start and end within the Service Area Zone – this means your messaging will stay within the heart of the city. With up to 450 vehicles available, it will be very visible!